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You can get Who's Yew? as a "real," physical, paperback book!

By the wonders of modern technology and the wizardry of BookBrewer, FeedBrewer and Frederic Printing, Who's Yew? is now a physical book, available print on demand!

All you have to do is follow this link:

BookBrewer: Who's Yew?—A Goblin Tale – Paperback Edition

When you get there, press the ADD TO CART button, and you're on your way to joining Yew and his mates on their adventure!

It's just $12, plus postage, for 262 pages of adventure.

(A savings hint, if you share an order with a friend, the shipping cost per book drops dramatically!)

And don't worry, you don't have to register or login, just "ADD TO CART." Note, payment is by PayPal.

And don't forget, you can always get the e-book...

Coming soon: Who's Yew? will be available Print-on-Demand via Barnes & Noble and Amazon!